Brexit survey dataset

Brexit survey dataset#

See: odsti/brexit_survey.

Several pages in this course use the data from the 2016 Hansard Survey. The survey was soon after the Brexit referendum, so we often refer to it as the Brexit Survey.

Every year, the Hansard Society sponsors a survey on political engagement in the UK.

They put topical questions in each survey. For the 2016 / 7 survey, they asked about how people voted in the Brexit referendum, and about the respondents age.

There is one row per respondent.

The file brexit_survey.csv contains these data from the survey. The columns are:

  • brexit_vote: respondents’ report of their vote in the Brexit referendum. Result is categorical with any of these values:

    • “Remain”

    • “Leave”

    • “Did not vote”

    • “Too young”

    • “Can’t remember”

    • “Refused”

  • age: age in years.