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This page has content from the Joining_Tables_by_Columns notebook of an older version of the UC Berkeley data science course. See the Berkeley course section of the license file.

Often, data about the same individuals is maintained in more than one table. For example, one university office might have data about each student’s time to completion of degree, while another has data about the student’s tuition and financial aid.

To understand the students’ experience, it may be helpful to put the two datasets together. If the data are in two tables, each with one row per student, then we would want to put the columns together, making sure to match the rows so that each student’s information remains on a single row.

Let us do this in the context of a simple example, and then use the method with a larger dataset.

Suppose we have a data frame for different flavors of ice cream. Each flavor of ice cream comes with a rating that is in a separate table.

cones = pd.DataFrame()
cones['Flavor'] = ['strawberry', 'vanilla', 'chocolate', 'strawberry',
cones['Price'] = [3.55, 4.75, 6.55, 5.25, 5.75]
Flavor Price
0 strawberry 3.55
1 vanilla 4.75
2 chocolate 6.55
3 strawberry 5.25
4 chocolate 5.75
ratings = pd.DataFrame()
ratings['Flavor'] = ['strawberry', 'chocolate', 'vanilla']
ratings['Stars'] = [2.5, 3.5, 4]
Flavor Stars
0 strawberry 2.5
1 chocolate 3.5
2 vanilla 4.0

Each of the tables has a column that contains ice cream flavors. In both cases, the column has the name Flavor. The entries in these columns can be used to link the two tables.

The method merge creates a new table in which each cone in the cones table is augmented with the Stars information in the ratings table. For each cone in cones, merge finds a row in ratings whose Flavor matches the cone’s Flavor. We have to tell merge to use the Flavor column for matching, using the on keyword argument.

rated = cones.merge(ratings, on='Flavor')
Flavor Price Stars
0 strawberry 3.55 2.5
1 vanilla 4.75 4.0
2 chocolate 6.55 3.5
3 strawberry 5.25 2.5
4 chocolate 5.75 3.5

Each cone now has not only its price but also the rating of its flavor.

In general, a call to merge that augments a table (say table1) with information from another table (say table2) looks like this:

table1.merge(table2, on=column_for_merging)

In the case above, the matching columns have the name column name: Flavor.

This need not be so. For example, let us rename the Flavor column in ratings to Kind:

# Rename the 'Flavor' column to 'Kind'
ratings_renamed = ratings
ratings_renamed.columns = ['Kind', 'Stars']
Kind Stars
0 strawberry 2.5
1 chocolate 3.5
2 vanilla 4.0

Now we have to tell merge the name of the column to merge on, for each data frame. The first data frame (cones in our case) is called the left data frame. The second (ratings in our case) is called the right data frame. Now the columns have different names in the left and right data frame, we have to use the left_on and right_on keywords.

rated_again = cones.merge(ratings_renamed, left_on='Flavor', right_on='Kind')
Flavor Price Kind Stars
0 strawberry 3.55 strawberry 2.5
1 vanilla 4.75 vanilla 4.0
2 chocolate 6.55 chocolate 3.5
3 strawberry 5.25 strawberry 2.5
4 chocolate 5.75 chocolate 3.5

Here is a more general skeleton of a merge between table1 and table2, where the corresponding columns may have different names:

table1.merge(table2, left_on=table1_column, right_on=table2_column)

Now that we have done the merge, the new table rated (or rated_again) allows us to work out the price per star, which you can think of as an informal measure of value. Low values are good – they mean that you are paying less for each rating star.

rated['$/Star'] = rated['Price'] / rated['Stars']
Flavor Price Stars $/Star
1 vanilla 4.75 4.0 1.187500
0 strawberry 3.55 2.5 1.420000
4 chocolate 5.75 3.5 1.642857

Though strawberry has the lowest rating among the three flavors, the less expensive strawberry cone does well on this measure because it doesn’t cost a lot per star.

Suppose there is a table of professional reviews of some ice cream cones, and we have found the average review for each flavor.

reviews = pd.DataFrame()
reviews['Flavor'] = ['vanilla', 'chocolate', 'vanilla', 'chocolate']
reviews['ProfStars'] = [5, 3, 5, 4]
Flavor ProfStars
0 vanilla 5
1 chocolate 3
2 vanilla 5
3 chocolate 4

Remember group by:

average_review = reviews.groupby('Flavor').mean()
chocolate 3.5
vanilla 5.0

Notice that the column that we grouped by — Flavor — has become the Index (row labels).

We can merge cones and average_review by providing the labels of the columns by which to merge. As you will see, Pandas treats the data frame Index as being a column, for this purpose.

First we remind ourselves of the contents of cones:

Flavor Price
0 strawberry 3.55
1 vanilla 4.75
2 chocolate 6.55
3 strawberry 5.25
4 chocolate 5.75

Here is the result of the merge:

cones.merge(average_review, left_on='Flavor', right_on='Flavor')
Flavor Price ProfStars
0 vanilla 4.75 5.0
1 chocolate 6.55 3.5
2 chocolate 5.75 3.5

Of course in this case the “columns” have the same name, and we can do the same thing with:

cones.merge(average_review, on='Flavor')
Flavor Price ProfStars
0 vanilla 4.75 5.0
1 chocolate 6.55 3.5
2 chocolate 5.75 3.5

Notice that Flavor is the Index (row labels) for average_review, but Pandas allows this, because it sees the Index name is Flavor, and treats it as a column.

For this reason, merge can also merge with a Series, because the Series can have a name. At the moment average_review is a Dataframe with one column: ProfStars. We can pull out this column as a Series. You may remember that the Series also gets the Index, and a name, from the column name:

avg_rev_as_series = average_review['ProfStars']
chocolate    3.5
vanilla      5.0
Name: ProfStars, dtype: float64

Because this Series has a name: Flavor, and that is the name of its Index, we can do the same merge with this Series as we did with the Dataframe above:

cones.merge(avg_rev_as_series, on='Flavor')
Flavor Price ProfStars
0 vanilla 4.75 5.0
1 chocolate 6.55 3.5
2 chocolate 5.75 3.5

What remains?#

Notice that, after our merge, the strawberry cones have disappeared. Merge is pursuing a particular strategy here, and that is to look for labels that match in the matching columns. None of the reviews are for strawberry cones, so there is nothing to which the strawberry rows can be merged. This might be what you want, or it might not be — that depends on the analysis we are trying to perform with the merged table. If it is not what you want, you may want to ask merge to use a different strategy.

Merge strategies#

Let us reflect further on the choice that merge made above, when it dropped the row for strawberry cones. As you saw above, by default, merge looks for labels that are present in both of the matching columns. This is the default merge strategy, called an inner merge. We could also call this an intersection merge strategy.

For this default inner merge strategy, merge first found all the flavor labels in cones['Flavor']:

# Different values in cones['Flavor']
cone_flavors = cones['Flavor'].unique()
array(['strawberry', 'vanilla', 'chocolate'], dtype=object)

Then it found all the flavors in average_review 'Flavor' “column” (in this case it found the index):

# Different values in average_reviews 'Flavor' - here, the Index
review_flavors = average_review.index.unique()
Index(['chocolate', 'vanilla'], dtype='object', name='Flavor')

Next merge found all the Flavor values that are present in both data frames. We can call this the intersection of the two sets of values. Python has a set type to work out intersections and other set operations.

flavors_in_both = set(cone_flavors).intersection(review_flavors)
{'chocolate', 'vanilla'}

Merge then throws away any rows in either table that don’t have one of these intersection values in the matching columns. This is how we lost the strawberry row from the cones table.

This inner or intersection strategy is often useful — that is why it is the default. But we may want to do something different. For example, we may want to keep flavors that don’t have reviews in our merge result, but get a missing value for the review score. One way of doing that is the left merge strategy. Here merge keeps all rows from from the left data frame, but, for each row where there is no corresponding label in the right data frame, it fills the row values from the right data frame with missing values.

# A merge using the "left" strategy
cones.merge(average_review, on='Flavor', how='left')
Flavor Price ProfStars
0 strawberry 3.55 NaN
1 vanilla 4.75 5.0
2 chocolate 6.55 3.5
3 strawberry 5.25 NaN
4 chocolate 5.75 3.5

Merging and column names#

Sometimes we find ourselves merging two data frames that have column names in common.

For example, imagine we had some user reviews from China:

chinese_reviews = pd.DataFrame()
chinese_reviews['Flavor'] = ['vanilla', 'chocolate', 'chocolate']
chinese_reviews['Stars'] = [4.5, 3.5, 4]
Flavor Stars
0 vanilla 4.5
1 chocolate 3.5
2 chocolate 4.0

Now imagine we want to merge this data frame into the rated data frame. Here’s the rated data frame:

Flavor Price Stars $/Star
0 strawberry 3.55 2.5 1.420000
1 vanilla 4.75 4.0 1.187500
2 chocolate 6.55 3.5 1.871429
3 strawberry 5.25 2.5 2.100000
4 chocolate 5.75 3.5 1.642857

Notice that rated has a Stars column, and chinese_reviews has a Stars column. Let us see what merge does in this situation:

china_rated = rated.merge(chinese_reviews, on='Flavor')
Flavor Price Stars_x $/Star Stars_y
0 vanilla 4.75 4.0 1.187500 4.5
1 chocolate 6.55 3.5 1.871429 4.0
2 chocolate 5.75 3.5 1.642857 3.5
3 chocolate 6.55 3.5 1.871429 3.5
4 chocolate 5.75 3.5 1.642857 4.0

Pandas detected that both data frames had a column called Stars and has renamed them accordingly. The column from the left data frame (rated) has an _x suffix, to give Stars_x. The corresponding column from the right data frame has a _y suffix: Stars_y.

You can change these suffixes with the suffixes keyword argument:

rated.merge(chinese_reviews, on='Flavor', suffixes=['_left', '_right'])
Flavor Price Stars_left $/Star Stars_right
0 vanilla 4.75 4.0 1.187500 4.5
1 chocolate 6.55 3.5 1.871429 4.0
2 chocolate 5.75 3.5 1.642857 3.5
3 chocolate 6.55 3.5 1.871429 3.5
4 chocolate 5.75 3.5 1.642857 4.0

And more#

There is much more information about merging in the Python Data Science Handbook merge section.


This page has content from the Joining_Tables_by_Columns notebook of an older version of the UC Berkeley data science course. See the Berkeley course section of the license file.