Pandas and dictionaries

Pandas and dictionaries#

Dictionaries are everywhere in Pandas, if you but look a little deeper.

Consider — where would it be useful to have something that associates a name (a key) with a value or sequence of values?

And in fact - the idea of names mapping to values is fundamental to Pandas.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

pd.set_option('mode.copy_on_write', True)

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Building data frames with arrays and lists#

Let us say you found yourself in the situation where you had a list of some English Premier League (EPL) teams outside London. Maybe you have typed this in. In any case, here it is:

teams = [
    'Wolverhampton Wanderers',
    'Brighton and Hove Albion',
    'Nottingham Forest',
    'Aston Villa',

You also have the corresponding wage bills, from the 2022-2023 EPL wages

wages = [

And actually, you have the corresponding number of points at the end of the season, for each team, recorded from the EPL league table:

points = [

We’d really like a data frame with these columns: ‘Team’, ‘Wages’, and ‘Points’.

Luckily our task is all but done for us, once we have made the dict (mapping) between the names and the values.

ready_for_df = {
    'Team': teams,
    'Wages': wages,
    'Points': points
{'Team': ['Wolverhampton Wanderers',
  'Brighton and Hove Albion',
  'Nottingham Forest',
  'Aston Villa',
 'Wages': [64055000,
 'Points': [41, 62, 71, 39, 38, 61, 36]}

Enter pd.DataFrame. As usual, investigate with shift-tab in the function name in Jupyter, but one good way of using that function is to pass a dictionary that names the columns, like this:

epl = pd.DataFrame(ready_for_df)
Team Wages Points
0 Wolverhampton Wanderers 64055000 41
1 Brighton and Hove Albion 15679600 62
2 Newcastle 77503600 71
3 Bournemouth 43836000 39
4 Nottingham Forest 75260000 38
5 Aston Villa 86060000 61
6 Everton 80707000 36

We can’t help it, let’s have a look at the wages vs points for this very small sample.

Remember the plot methods of the data frame. These give us some nice features, including automatic labels.

epl.plot.scatter(x='Wages', y='Points')
<Axes: xlabel='Wages', ylabel='Points'>

What is another mapping we might want?

Well - what if we don’t like the column names of our current data frame? We want to map from the current column name, to the new column name. The mapping might look like this:

renames = {'Team': 'Team name',
           'Wages': 'Estimated wages for year in £'}
{'Team': 'Team name', 'Wages': 'Estimated wages for year in £'}

We can use the rename method of the data frame to apply this mapping:

fancier_epl = epl.rename(columns=renames)
Team name Estimated wages for year in £ Points
0 Wolverhampton Wanderers 64055000 41
1 Brighton and Hove Albion 15679600 62
2 Newcastle 77503600 71
3 Bournemouth 43836000 39
4 Nottingham Forest 75260000 38
5 Aston Villa 86060000 61
6 Everton 80707000 36

Notice we have just renamed the columns in the mapping.

Let’s construct a dictionary from scratch with the team names and the wages:

team_wages = {}
for i in range(len(teams)):
    team_wages[teams[i]] = wages[i]
{'Wolverhampton Wanderers': 64055000,
 'Brighton and Hove Albion': 15679600,
 'Newcastle': 77503600,
 'Bournemouth': 43836000,
 'Nottingham Forest': 75260000,
 'Aston Villa': 86060000,
 'Everton': 80707000}

Remember that a dict has a default sequence that it gives you, if asked, and that is the keys:

# We ask for a sequence from the keys
['Wolverhampton Wanderers',
 'Brighton and Hove Albion',
 'Nottingham Forest',
 'Aston Villa',

The default sequence is the keys:

['Wolverhampton Wanderers',
 'Brighton and Hove Albion',
 'Nottingham Forest',
 'Aston Villa',

Pandas data frames also have a default sequence that it gives if asked, and these are the column names:

['Team name', 'Estimated wages for year in £', 'Points']

Can you think of another mapping in Pandas? How about the labels for the rows?

# Map from the label 3 to the row with that label
Team name                        Bournemouth
Estimated wages for year in £       43836000
Points                                    39
Name: 3, dtype: object

We can make that more obvious by putting text labels on the data frame:

labeled_epl = fancier_epl.set_index('Team name')
Estimated wages for year in £ Points
Team name
Wolverhampton Wanderers 64055000 41
Brighton and Hove Albion 15679600 62
Newcastle 77503600 71
Bournemouth 43836000 39
Nottingham Forest 75260000 38
Aston Villa 86060000 61
Everton 80707000 36
# Map from label Bournemouth to the matching row.
Estimated wages for year in £    43836000
Points                                 39
Name: Bournemouth, dtype: int64

The mapping is particularly obvious when we have a Series:

wage_series = labeled_epl['Estimated wages for year in £']
Team name
Wolverhampton Wanderers     64055000
Brighton and Hove Albion    15679600
Newcastle                   77503600
Bournemouth                 43836000
Nottingham Forest           75260000
Aston Villa                 86060000
Everton                     80707000
Name: Estimated wages for year in £, dtype: int64

The series is very dict-ey, because the labels map to values. In fact, it is so dict-ey, that the series has a to_dict method to give you the equivalent dict:

wages_as_dict = wage_series.to_dict()
{'Wolverhampton Wanderers': 64055000,
 'Brighton and Hove Albion': 15679600,
 'Newcastle': 77503600,
 'Bournemouth': 43836000,
 'Nottingham Forest': 75260000,
 'Aston Villa': 86060000,
 'Everton': 80707000}

You can map straight back to a series with the pd.Series constructor:

Wolverhampton Wanderers     64055000
Brighton and Hove Albion    15679600
Newcastle                   77503600
Bournemouth                 43836000
Nottingham Forest           75260000
Aston Villa                 86060000
Everton                     80707000
dtype: int64