Attack or defense? An example of multiple regression

Attack or defense? An example of multiple regression#

What should you pay for, if you want to win the English Premier League?

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
pd.set_option('mode.copy_on_write', True)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Show arrays without exponential notation, 6 digits of precision.
np.set_printoptions(suppress=True, precision=6)
<Token var=<ContextVar name='format_options' default={'edgeitems': 3, 'threshold': 1000, 'floatmode': 'maxprec', 'precision': 8, 'suppress': False, 'linewidth': 75, 'nanstr': 'nan', 'infstr': 'inf', 'sign': '-', 'formatter': None, 'legacy': 9223372036854775807, 'override_repr': None} at 0x7fa3d06db330> at 0x7fa3d6585d40>
# For minimize.
import scipy.optimize as spo
# For linregress
import scipy.stats as sps
# For running statistical models.
import statsmodels.formula.api as smf

We load the data on wage spends in the 2021-2022 English Premier League (EPL).

See the EPL dataset page for more details.

df = pd.read_csv('data/premier_league_2021.csv')
rank team played won drawn lost for against goal_difference points wages_year keeper defense midfield forward
0 1 Manchester City 38 29 6 3 99 26 73 93 168572 8892 60320 24500 74860
1 2 Liverpool 38 28 8 2 94 26 68 92 148772 14560 46540 47320 40352
2 3 Chelsea 38 21 11 6 76 33 43 74 187340 12480 51220 51100 72540
3 4 Tottenham Hotspur 38 22 5 11 69 40 29 71 110416 6760 29516 30680 43460
4 5 Arsenal 38 22 3 13 61 48 13 69 118074 8400 37024 27300 45350

Notice that we have the total yearly wage bill for each team, as well as the individual spends on the keeper, defense, midfield and forwards.

There are 20 EPL teams.


The data frame describe method gives useful statistics for all the numerical columns.

rank played won drawn lost for against goal_difference points wages_year keeper defense midfield forward
count 20.00000 20.0 20.000000 20.0000 20.000000 20.000000 20.000000 20.000000 20.00000 20.000000 20.000000 20.000000 20.000000 20.00000
mean 10.50000 38.0 14.600000 8.8000 14.600000 53.550000 53.550000 0.000000 52.60000 91201.650000 7826.900000 28240.350000 20573.600000 34560.80000
std 5.91608 0.0 6.762124 3.5333 6.451438 19.454332 16.223683 33.829293 19.34561 56966.366691 6188.993744 15652.908004 13186.983145 26175.61029
min 1.00000 38.0 5.000000 3.0000 2.000000 23.000000 26.000000 -61.000000 22.00000 28606.000000 2080.000000 8686.000000 3980.000000 6280.00000
25% 5.75000 38.0 10.500000 6.0000 11.750000 42.000000 43.750000 -20.000000 39.75000 47872.500000 3065.000000 14925.000000 11747.500000 17805.50000
50% 10.50000 38.0 13.000000 8.0000 14.500000 49.000000 53.500000 -2.000000 50.00000 75622.000000 7410.000000 26718.000000 16386.000000 26410.00000
75% 15.25000 38.0 17.250000 11.0000 18.000000 61.250000 63.000000 10.000000 60.75000 112330.500000 9462.500000 32890.000000 28145.000000 41129.00000
max 20.00000 38.0 29.000000 15.0000 27.000000 99.000000 84.000000 73.000000 93.00000 238780.000000 28600.000000 60480.000000 51100.000000 112780.00000

Notice mean (and sum) goal_difference is 0. This must be so, because every goal counts 1 positive for the scoring team, and 1 negative for the other team.

The shape attribute of the data frame gives the number of rows and the number of columns.

(20, 15)

We are interested in whether the wage spend can predict the goal difference. Maybe if you pay more, you score more goals and keep more goals out.

df.plot.scatter(x='wages_year', y='goal_difference')
# We show the y-axis so we can estimate the intercept.
plt.xlim(0, 300000)
(0.0, 300000.0)

We want a best-fit line to these data.

We can use a cost-function to tell use the quality of the line. Low cost corresponds to a good line.

We use the usual sum-of-squared errors as the cost.

def sse_cost(params, x, y):
    """ Sum of squared error cost function
    b, c = params
    y_hat = b * x + c
    errors = y - y_hat
    return np.sum(errors ** 2)

Here are some estimates for the intercept and slope, by eye-balling the graph.

guessed_intercept = -40
# Goal difference increases by about 20 for a £50,000 increase in spend.
# Slope is rise (in y) divided by run (over x).
guessed_slope = 20 / 50000

We use minimize and the 'powell' method to find the values for slope and intercept (params) that give the lowest values for the cost function.

res = spo.minimize(sse_cost, [guessed_intercept, guessed_slope],
                   args=(df['wages_year'], df['goal_difference']))
 message: Optimization terminated successfully.
 success: True
  status: 0
     fun: 12070.170784478678
       x: [ 3.728e-04 -3.360e+01]
     nit: 34
   direc: [[ 5.352e-07  1.264e-01]
           [ 8.769e-07  8.421e-02]]
    nfev: 833

These are the parameters (the slope and the intercept):

array([  0.000373, -33.601334])

If we run linregress, this uses the mathematics of sum-of-squares to get the minimizing slope and intercept.

lr_res = sps.linregress(df['wages_year'], df['goal_difference'])
LinregressResult(slope=np.float64(0.00039689691255513594), intercept=np.float64(-36.197653304934114), rvalue=np.float64(0.6683490305377195), pvalue=np.float64(0.0012767215478024995), stderr=np.float64(0.0001041171418862387), intercept_stderr=np.float64(11.11698541165042))

We suspect that minimize was less accurate than sps.linregress; the very small slope may mean that minimize gives up searching for the exact correct slope when it has got very close.

Here’s the cost function value from the parameters from minimize.

sse_cost(res.x, df['wages_year'], df['goal_difference'])

The parameters from sps.linregress are slightly better — they give a somewhat lower value for the cost function.

sse_cost([lr_res.slope, lr_res.intercept], df['wages_year'], df['goal_difference'])

In data science practice, we often use these least-squares cost functions, and we can use convenient libraries for these calculations. statsmodels is a useful library for these general models.

Using statsmodels, we first create a model, that encodes the relationship we’re investigating, along with the data.

sm_model = smf.ols('goal_difference ~ wages_year', data=df)
<statsmodels.regression.linear_model.OLS at 0x7fa39854b710>

Once we have specified this model, we can use the .fit method of the new model to calculate the least-squares parameters.

sm_fit =
<statsmodels.regression.linear_model.RegressionResultsWrapper at 0x7fa37f780b90>

Finally, we can use the .summary method of the fit result, to show a detailed display of the parameters and other calculations from the fit.

OLS Regression Results
Dep. Variable: goal_difference R-squared: 0.447
Model: OLS Adj. R-squared: 0.416
Method: Least Squares F-statistic: 14.53
Date: Tue, 03 Sep 2024 Prob (F-statistic): 0.00128
Time: 10:05:32 Log-Likelihood: -92.374
No. Observations: 20 AIC: 188.7
Df Residuals: 18 BIC: 190.7
Df Model: 1
Covariance Type: nonrobust
coef std err t P>|t| [0.025 0.975]
Intercept -36.1977 11.117 -3.256 0.004 -59.554 -12.842
wages_year 0.0004 0.000 3.812 0.001 0.000 0.001
Omnibus: 1.288 Durbin-Watson: 1.194
Prob(Omnibus): 0.525 Jarque-Bera (JB): 0.487
Skew: -0.375 Prob(JB): 0.784
Kurtosis: 3.142 Cond. No. 2.05e+05

[1] Standard Errors assume that the covariance matrix of the errors is correctly specified.
[2] The condition number is large, 2.05e+05. This might indicate that there are
strong multicollinearity or other numerical problems.

Defense or attack?#

Here’s a reminder of the columns of data we have.

rank team played won drawn lost for against goal_difference points wages_year keeper defense midfield forward
0 1 Manchester City 38 29 6 3 99 26 73 93 168572 8892 60320 24500 74860
1 2 Liverpool 38 28 8 2 94 26 68 92 148772 14560 46540 47320 40352
2 3 Chelsea 38 21 11 6 76 33 43 74 187340 12480 51220 51100 72540
3 4 Tottenham Hotspur 38 22 5 11 69 40 29 71 110416 6760 29516 30680 43460
4 5 Arsenal 38 22 3 13 61 48 13 69 118074 8400 37024 27300 45350

Our question now is — should we spend on defense, or spend on attack (forwards)?

Here’s the plot of defense spending as a function of goal difference.

df.plot.scatter(x='defense', y='goal_difference')
<Axes: xlabel='defense', ylabel='goal_difference'>

And the relationship of forward spending and goal difference.

df.plot.scatter(x='forward', y='goal_difference')
<Axes: xlabel='forward', ylabel='goal_difference'>

Notice that both, on their own, have strongly positive relationships.

Here we put both on the same plot.

plt.scatter(df['forward'], df['goal_difference'], label='Forward')
plt.scatter(df['defense'], df['goal_difference'], label='Defense')
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7fa37d6432d0>

Here we calculate the simple regression models for each. Notice the chained execution for calculating the model, then the fit, and then the summary.

smf.ols('goal_difference ~ defense', data=df).fit().summary()
OLS Regression Results
Dep. Variable: goal_difference R-squared: 0.549
Model: OLS Adj. R-squared: 0.524
Method: Least Squares F-statistic: 21.94
Date: Tue, 03 Sep 2024 Prob (F-statistic): 0.000185
Time: 10:05:32 Log-Likelihood: -90.322
No. Observations: 20 AIC: 184.6
Df Residuals: 18 BIC: 186.6
Df Model: 1
Covariance Type: nonrobust
coef std err t P>|t| [0.025 0.975]
Intercept -45.2366 10.976 -4.121 0.001 -68.297 -22.176
defense 0.0016 0.000 4.684 0.000 0.001 0.002
Omnibus: 1.906 Durbin-Watson: 1.356
Prob(Omnibus): 0.386 Jarque-Bera (JB): 1.197
Skew: -0.597 Prob(JB): 0.550
Kurtosis: 2.891 Cond. No. 6.75e+04

[1] Standard Errors assume that the covariance matrix of the errors is correctly specified.
[2] The condition number is large, 6.75e+04. This might indicate that there are
strong multicollinearity or other numerical problems.
smf.ols('goal_difference ~ forward', data=df).fit().summary()
OLS Regression Results
Dep. Variable: goal_difference R-squared: 0.332
Model: OLS Adj. R-squared: 0.295
Method: Least Squares F-statistic: 8.934
Date: Tue, 03 Sep 2024 Prob (F-statistic): 0.00787
Time: 10:05:32 Log-Likelihood: -94.262
No. Observations: 20 AIC: 192.5
Df Residuals: 18 BIC: 194.5
Df Model: 1
Covariance Type: nonrobust
coef std err t P>|t| [0.025 0.975]
Intercept -25.7248 10.698 -2.405 0.027 -48.200 -3.250
forward 0.0007 0.000 2.989 0.008 0.000 0.001
Omnibus: 1.089 Durbin-Watson: 1.010
Prob(Omnibus): 0.580 Jarque-Bera (JB): 0.161
Skew: 0.120 Prob(JB): 0.923
Kurtosis: 3.369 Cond. No. 7.23e+04

[1] Standard Errors assume that the covariance matrix of the errors is correctly specified.
[2] The condition number is large, 7.23e+04. This might indicate that there are
strong multicollinearity or other numerical problems.

Now we are interesting in taking both defense and forward spending into account at the same time.

This is multiple regression.

Notice that in multiple regression, we calculate the fitted \(\hat{\vec{y}}\) values by adding to together the components due to the first predictor, and that due to the second predictor, and the intercept.

def sse_multi(params, X, y):
    """ Multiple regression sum of squared error

    params : slopes and intercept
    X : array
        2D array of predictor columns.
    y : array
        1D array of outcome vector.

    cfv : float
        Cost function value
    n, p = X.shape
    y_hat = np.zeros(n)
    for col_no in range(p):  # Go through each column.
        col = X[:, col_no]  # Get the relevant column from X
        fit_for_this_col = col * params[col_no]  # Multiply by corresponding parameter
        y_hat = y_hat + fit_for_this_col
    y_hat = y_hat + params[-1]  # Add the intercept
    errors = y - y_hat
    return np.sum(errors ** 2)

We compile the 2D array containing the two predictor columns, by taking two columns out of the data frame, and converting to an array.

X = np.array(df[['defense', 'forward']])
array([[ 60320,  74860],
       [ 46540,  40352],
       [ 51220,  72540],
       [ 29516,  43460],
       [ 37024,  45350],
       [ 60480, 112780],
       [ 28860,  27040],
       [ 28040,  25440],
       [ 17640,  16790],
       [ 20736,  26820],
       [ 27276,  24040],
       [ 20930,  26000],
       [  8686,   9620],
       [ 26160,  36470],
       [ 12137,  21530],
       [ 31512,  39310],
       [ 13150,  18144],
       [ 14940,  15110],
       [ 14880,   9280],
       [ 14760,   6280]])

Next we use minimize to find the three parameters that minimize the cost function. We found that both powell and the default methods gave warnings about failing to reach good results, so we tried the nelder-mead method.

min_res_2 = spo.minimize(sse_multi, [0.001, 0.001, -36],
                         args=(X, df['goal_difference']))
       message: Optimization terminated successfully.
       success: True
        status: 0
           fun: 8270.703854709001
             x: [ 2.933e-03 -8.665e-04 -5.288e+01]
           nit: 107
          nfev: 192
 final_simplex: (array([[ 2.933e-03, -8.665e-04, -5.288e+01],
                       [ 2.933e-03, -8.665e-04, -5.288e+01],
                       [ 2.933e-03, -8.665e-04, -5.288e+01],
                       [ 2.933e-03, -8.665e-04, -5.288e+01]]), array([ 8.271e+03,  8.271e+03,  8.271e+03,  8.271e+03]))

Here are the parameters:

  • slope for defense

  • slope for attack

  • intercept.

array([  0.002933,  -0.000867, -52.875186])

We can do the same parameter estimating using statsmodels in our case, because we are using the standard least-squares cost function.

fitted = smf.ols('goal_difference ~ defense + forward', data=df).fit()
OLS Regression Results
Dep. Variable: goal_difference R-squared: 0.620
Model: OLS Adj. R-squared: 0.575
Method: Least Squares F-statistic: 13.85
Date: Tue, 03 Sep 2024 Prob (F-statistic): 0.000270
Time: 10:05:32 Log-Likelihood: -88.626
No. Observations: 20 AIC: 183.3
Df Residuals: 17 BIC: 186.2
Df Model: 2
Covariance Type: nonrobust
coef std err t P>|t| [0.025 0.975]
Intercept -52.8752 11.236 -4.706 0.000 -76.581 -29.169
defense 0.0029 0.001 3.587 0.002 0.001 0.005
forward -0.0009 0.000 -1.772 0.094 -0.002 0.000
Omnibus: 1.441 Durbin-Watson: 1.303
Prob(Omnibus): 0.486 Jarque-Bera (JB): 1.207
Skew: -0.548 Prob(JB): 0.547
Kurtosis: 2.501 Cond. No. 1.21e+05

[1] Standard Errors assume that the covariance matrix of the errors is correctly specified.
[2] The condition number is large, 1.21e+05. This might indicate that there are
strong multicollinearity or other numerical problems.

The found parameters are almost exactly what we found with minimize.

Intercept   -52.875175
defense       0.002933
forward      -0.000867
dtype: float64

The parameters make us think that we gain very little — or even lose — by extra spending on forwards, given a particular level of spending on defense.

Another way of looking at this is to first remove (“regress out”) the effect of spending on defense, leaving the errors (AKA residuals). The residuals are what remains of goal difference after we have done the best job we can (in the least-squares sense) of removing the effect of spending on defense.

defense_only_fit = smf.ols('goal_difference ~ defense', data=df).fit()
Intercept   -45.236577
defense       0.001602
dtype: float64

Here we calculate residuals (errors) left over after using the fit from the defense-only model.

y_hat = defense_only_fit.params['defense'] * df['defense'] + defense_only_fit.params['Intercept']
errors = df['goal_difference'] - y_hat
0     21.613471
1     38.686853
2      6.190233
3     26.956610
4     -1.070019
5    -51.642824
6      8.007419
7      3.320929
8     14.980085
9      7.020783
10   -16.455264
11    15.710025
12    23.322978
13     1.332392
14     1.795021
15   -28.240666
16   -12.827644
17     2.305058
18   -21.598831
19   -39.406610
dtype: float64

In fact Statsmodels is kind enough to calculate these for us, by default, in the resid attribute of the fit.

0     21.613471
1     38.686853
2      6.190233
3     26.956610
4     -1.070019
5    -51.642824
6      8.007419
7      3.320929
8     14.980085
9      7.020783
10   -16.455264
11    15.710025
12    23.322978
13     1.332392
14     1.795021
15   -28.240666
16   -12.827644
17     2.305058
18   -21.598831
19   -39.406610
dtype: float64

We can take the residual — left over — values, and put them back into the data frame, so Statmodels can do another fit.

df['without_defense'] = fitted.resid
rank team played won drawn lost for against goal_difference points wages_year keeper defense midfield forward without_defense
0 1 Manchester City 38 29 6 3 99 26 73 93 168572 8892 60320 24500 74860 13.837431
1 2 Liverpool 38 28 8 2 94 26 68 92 148772 14560 46540 47320 40352 19.349313
2 3 Chelsea 38 21 11 6 76 33 43 74 187340 12480 51220 51100 72540 8.515417
3 4 Tottenham Hotspur 38 22 5 11 69 40 29 71 110416 6760 29516 30680 43460 32.970125
4 5 Arsenal 38 22 3 13 61 48 13 69 118074 8400 37024 27300 45350 -3.411476
5 6 Manchester United 38 16 10 12 57 57 0 58 238780 28600 60480 36920 112780 -26.773404
6 7 West Ham United 38 16 8 14 60 51 9 56 77936 11856 28860 10180 27040 0.665784
7 8 Leicester City 38 14 10 14 62 59 3 52 81590 10040 28040 18070 25440 -4.315766
8 9 Brighton and Hove Albion 38 12 15 11 42 44 -2 51 49820 3120 17640 12270 16790 13.689769
9 10 Wolverhampton Wanderers 38 15 6 17 38 43 -5 51 62756 2120 20736 13080 26820 10.301066
10 11 Newcastle United 38 13 10 15 44 62 -18 49 73308 4940 27276 17052 24040 -24.288248
11 12 Crystal Palace 38 11 15 12 50 46 4 48 71910 6000 20930 18980 26000 18.021561
12 13 Brentford 38 13 7 18 48 56 -8 46 28606 2080 8686 8220 9620 27.736951
13 14 Aston Villa 38 13 6 19 52 54 -2 45 85330 8320 26160 14380 36470 5.755570
14 15 Southampton 38 9 13 16 43 67 -24 40 58657 9270 12137 15720 21530 11.936166
15 16 Everton 38 11 6 21 43 66 -23 39 110202 8060 31512 31320 39310 -28.479761
16 17 Leeds United 38 9 11 18 42 79 -37 38 37354 2080 13150 3980 18144 -6.968775
17 18 Burnley 38 7 14 17 34 53 -19 35 40830 2900 14940 7880 15110 3.152527
18 19 Watford 38 6 5 27 34 77 -43 23 42030 2580 14880 15290 9280 -25.723314
19 20 Norwich City 38 5 7 26 23 84 -61 22 31750 3480 14760 7230 6280 -45.970937

Now we look to see if the forward spending can predict what is left over, after taking into account the effect of defense spending on goal difference:

smf.ols('without_defense ~ forward', data=df).fit().summary()
OLS Regression Results
Dep. Variable: without_defense R-squared: 0.000
Model: OLS Adj. R-squared: -0.056
Method: Least Squares F-statistic: 0.000
Date: Tue, 03 Sep 2024 Prob (F-statistic): 1.00
Time: 10:05:32 Log-Likelihood: -88.626
No. Observations: 20 AIC: 181.3
Df Residuals: 18 BIC: 183.2
Df Model: 1
Covariance Type: nonrobust
coef std err t P>|t| [0.025 0.975]
Intercept -1.288e-14 8.071 -1.6e-15 1.000 -16.956 16.956
forward -1.335e-18 0.000 -7.11e-15 1.000 -0.000 0.000
Omnibus: 1.441 Durbin-Watson: 1.303
Prob(Omnibus): 0.486 Jarque-Bera (JB): 1.207
Skew: -0.548 Prob(JB): 0.547
Kurtosis: 2.501 Cond. No. 7.23e+04

[1] Standard Errors assume that the covariance matrix of the errors is correctly specified.
[2] The condition number is large, 7.23e+04. This might indicate that there are
strong multicollinearity or other numerical problems.

It appears that this two-stage procedure gives a similar result to the one we saw before — once we have accounted for spending on defense, spending on forwards is no longer important, in these models.